Interactive Python Notes#
These pages supplement the courses An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) and Part 2 by John Greiner, Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner and Joe Warren with:
my solutions to the exercises, mini projects and quizzes
discussion topics for the class.
Discussion questions & notes:
- Week 0 - Statements, expressions, variables discussion
- Week 1 - Functions, logic, conditionals discussion
- Week 2 - Event-driven programming, local/global variables discussion
- Week 3 - Canvas, drawing, timers discussion
- Week 4 - Lists, keyboard input, the basics of modeling motion discussion
- Week 5 - Mouse input, list methods, dictionaries
- Week 6 - Classes and object-oriented programming
- Week 7 - Classes and object-oriented programming
- Week 8 - Sets and animation