Quiz 6b#

Question 1#

What is the position of the center of the top-left card (Ace of Clubs, A♣) in the tiled image discussed in the “Tiled images” video? Remember that each card in this tiled image has size 73 x 98 pixels.

(Note that the tiled image used in the current version of your Blackjack mini-project is slightly smaller.)

(36.5, 49)
(5 * 73 + 36.5, 1 * 98 + 49)
(0, 0)
(73, 98) \

(36.5, 49) \

Question 2#

What is the position of the center of the bottom-right card (King of Diamonds, K♦) in the tiled image discussed in the “Tiled images” video? Again, remember that each card in this tiled image has size 73 x 98 pixels.

Enter two numbers, separated only by spaces.

Enter answer here:\

912.5, 343.0

CARD_SIZE = [73, 98]

def card_pos(i, j):
	return CARD_POS[0] + i * CARD_SIZE[0], \
		   CARD_POS[1] + j * CARD_SIZE[1]

print(card_pos(12, 3))

Question 3#

When using Dropbox to store images for use with CodeSkulptor, what should the www portion of the DropBox URL be replaced by?

Refer to the video on tiled images.

www \

dl \

Question 4#

Within the __init__ method, the new object should be returned with what code?

No return statement is needed in __init__.
return self
return whatever_the_object_is_named (Use the appropriate variable name.) \

No return statement is needed in __init__. \

Question 5#

One way of understanding code is to think about other code that accomplishes the same thing — i.e., given the same starting values, it returns and/or mutates the same values.

This following defines one way to concatenate multiple lists. For example, list_extend_many([[1,2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]) returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] and doesn’t mutate anything.

def list_extend_many(lists):
    """Returns a list that is the concatenation of all the lists in the given list-of-lists."""
    result = []
    for l in lists:
    return result

Which of the following definitions are equivalent? I.e., which always produce the same output for the same input, and never mutate the input or any global variable?

  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = len(lists)
    while i >= 0:
        i -= 1
    return result


  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(lists):
        i += 1
    return result


  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    for i in range(len(lists)):
    return result


  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(lists):
        i += 1
    return result

The following code appends the lists in lists in reverse order.

  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = len(lists)
    while i >= 0:
        i -= 1
    return result

Same order:

  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(lists):
        i += 1
    return result

Same order:

  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    for i in range(len(lists)):
    return result

Results in an error:

  def list_extend_many(lists):
    result = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(lists):
        i += 1
    return result

Question 6#

Which of the following programs would never end if it weren’t for CodeSkulptor’s timeout? Assume no break or return statement is used in the elided loop bodies.

You might want to add a print statement to each loop to better understand the behavior.

  n = 1
while n > 0:
    #…     # Assume this doesn't modify n.
    n += 1


  n = 1000
while n > 0:
    #…     # Assume this doesn't modify n.
    n -= 1


  while True:


  my_list = #…
for x in my_list:
    #…     # Assume this doesn't mutate my_list.

  n = 1
while n > 0:
    #…     # Assume this doesn't modify n.
    n += 1
  while True:

Question 7#

Convert the following English description into code.

  1. Initialize n to be 1000. Initialize numbers to be a list of numbers from 2 to n but not including n.

  2. With results starting as the empty list, repeat the following as long as numbers contains any numbers.

    • Add the first number in numbers to the end of results.

    • Remove every number in numbers that is evenly divisible by (has no remainder when divided by) the number that you had just added to results.

How long is results?

To test your code, when n is instead 100, the length of results is 25.

Enter answer here:\


def f(n):
	numbers = list(range(2, n))
	results = []
	while numbers:
		div = numbers[0]
		numbers = [x for x in numbers if x % div != 0]

	return len(results)


Question 8#

We can use loops to simulate natural processes over time. Write a program that calculates the populations of two kinds of “wumpuses” over time. At the beginning of year 1, there are 1000 slow wumpuses and 1 fast wumpus. This one fast wumpus is a new mutation. Not surprisingly, being fast gives it an advantage, as it can better escape from predators. Each year, each wumpus has one offspring. (We’ll ignore the more realistic niceties of sexual reproduction, like distinguishing males and females.). There are no further mutations, so slow wumpuses beget slow wumpuses, and fast wumpuses beget fast wumpuses. Also, each year 40% of all slow wumpuses die each year, while only 30% of the fast wumpuses do.

So, at the beginning of year one there are 1000 slow wumpuses. Another 1000 slow wumpuses are born. But, 40% of these 2000 slow wumpuses die, leaving a total of 1200 at the end of year one. Meanwhile, in the same year, we begin with 1 fast wumpus, 1 more is born, and 30% of these die, leaving 1.4. (We’ll also allow fractional populations, for simplicity.)

Beginning of Year + Slow Wumpuses + Fast Wumpuses

1 1000 1 2 1200 1.4 3 1440 1.96 … … …

Enter the first year in which the fast wumpuses outnumber the slow wumpuses. Remember that the table above shows the populations at the start of the year.

Enter answer here:\


year = 1
slows = 1000
fasts = 1

def iterate_one_year():
    global slows, fasts, year
    slows *= SLOWS_FACTOR
    fasts *= FASTS_FACTOR
    year += 1

while slows >= fasts:
